
Our volunteers are an integral part of the operation of our ride programme. The time given, and the commitment shown, by our volunteers, is greatly appreciated by Napier RDA and our riders.
Want to join our fantastic team – why not volunteer today!
As a volunteer, you may be involved in a range of activities such as leading horses and sidewalking during rides, grooming, tacking up and caring for our horses, helping to look after our grounds, and participating in fundraising and training events and competitions and activities for our riders.
You don’t need to have any previous experience, as training and support will be provided.
However, you do need to:
- Be committed to attending regularly, and advise the Head Coach or Manager when you’re unable to attend
- Be fit enough to carry out your role as a volunteer, and advise the Head Coach or Manager of any illnesses, injuries, conditions or other issues that may affect or limit your ability to carry out any part of the role of a volunteer
- Dress appropriately for the role, the weather, and the environment
- Be aware of your surroundings, and conscious of your own and others’ safety
- Be willing to listen and learn, accept directions, and attend training
- Maintain the privacy of our riders and the confidentiality of information you have access to as a volunteer, and treat our riders with respect at all times
Volunteers at all RDA Groups throughout New Zealand are required to agree to a Police check. Acceptance and ongoing involvement as a volunteer at Napier RDA is at the discretion of the Napier RDA Committee.
Volunteering at Napier RDA, and sharing the successes of our riders, is hugely rewarding and a lot of fun. We aim to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for both riders and volunteers. We are always happy to receive your input, discuss your thoughts and ideas, and explain why we do things the way we do – our volunteers are always welcome to approach any of our staff.
Casual Volunteers
Lots of us would love to give something back to our community, do something to help others, and support a fabulous local charity – BUT we struggle for time! Work, family and other commitments can make it tricky to commit to regular volunteering, no matter how much you’d like to. However, you CAN still help, and we’d LOVE for you to lend us a hand!
We are looking for honest, reliable, community-minded people to join our Casual Volunteer Database.
We contact our Casual Volunteers when we need help with particular events – if you’re on our database, we’ll send you an email when we’ve got an event coming up, and if you’re able to lend a hand for an hour or two then we’ll very much appreciate it!
Events are mostly outside of regular working hours, and are varied in nature – some are fundraising, others are completing projects at Napier RDA.
Joining our database doesn’t oblige you in any way – we understand that your time is often committed elsewhere or an activity/event might not suit you. If you can’t help this time, it’s not a problem (there will always be other opportunities!).
If you’d like to join our Casual Volunteer Database, or have a chat about helping Napier RDA, please call us on 06 834 0556 or email napierrda@gmail.com.
Become a Member
For only $5 per year you can become a member of Napier RDA.
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