Make A Donation

Why Donate?
Napier RDA is a voluntary, not for profit organisation providing equestrian activities for people with disabilities or who are at risk within our community.
Our therapeutic riding programs are delivered by a dedicated team of volunteers, therapists and coaches to people with physical, intellectual and emotional disabilities each year.
Your donation will enable us to provide training, resources, vital equipment, horse care and support coaches, therapists and volunteers so that they may continue to provide individual riding programs to people with a wide range of disabilities or who are at risk.
As Napier RDA is a registered charity your gifts are tax deductible.
Donate via internet banking
To make a donation via Internet Banking, please use the online system provided by the organisation you bank with. Our Bank Account details are:
Bank: HBS
Account Name: Napier Riding for the Disabled
Account Number: 03-1355-0805267-00
Particulars: Your Name
Reference: Donation
So that we can send you a receipt for this donation, please email us at with your name, address and the reference that you included on your Internet Banking donation.
Napier RDA will send you a receipt for all tax deductible donations over $5.00
Donate via post
If you would like to make a donation by cheque, please make it payable to Napier Riding for the Disabled and post to:
Napier Riding for Disabled
PO Box 5152
Greenmeadows, 4145
(Please do not send cash for security reasons)
Napier RDA will send you a receipt for all tax deductible donations over $5.00.
Payroll Giving
Ask your Employers today regarding donating regularly to Napier Group Riding for the Disabled Incorporated (Information from IRD on payroll giving)
Give A Little
Make a donation today. Give a Little – just head off to the RDA page.
Gifting Products or Services
If your organisation has products or services Napier RDA could make use of, we would love to hear from you. Just as we need specialist services as outlined above we are always grateful to receive products – either for utilising at our premises or for on-selling to raise funds through auctions and the like or to use to recognise the contributions made by our volunteers.
Products we need for internal use include stationery and office equipment, farm equipment and fencing materials, riding boots and uniforms.
Trades and Skills – If you have a trade or skill and a little spare time, we like to hear from you!
We have an ongoing need for people with experience in farming, veterinary services, horse and pasture care, weed spraying, fencing, mowing, plumbing, electrical, building and carpentry to name a few.
Become a Member
For only $5 per year you can become a member of Napier RDA.
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Make a Donation
Your donation helps us to keep our services to the community running.