Unmounted Programme

The Unmounted Programme focuses on learning a range of skills aimed at developing and extending self-confidence, responsibility, self-esteem, participation and enjoyment, social engagement and interaction, recreation and vocational skills.
The programme involves on-the-ground horsemanship skills including safe horse-handling, grooming, leading, feeding, and general horse care.
Sessions occur on a weekly basis for up to 30 minutes in length, depending on the ability and goals of the client/s. We use skilled professional coaches for our programme to ensure a high degree of safety and quality learning.
The Unmounted Programme caters specifically for individuals who wish to benefit from involvement with horses but for whom riding is medically contraindicated or otherwise inadvisable.
Acceptance of any rider into the Programme is dependent on a number of factors, and a medical consent from a doctor is required prior to commencement.
If you’re interested in joining in our Unmounted Programme, please contact us for a Referral/Request form. Due to increasing demand, we do have a waiting list, but we endeavour to accommodate new riders as soon as we can! (Please note that other documentation and assessment will be required before a new rider can be accepted into the Programme, and completion of the Referral/Request form does not guarantee a rider a place in the Programme).
For more information, or to request a Referral/Request form, please contact Napier Riding for the Disabled on (06) 834 0556 or napierrda@gmail.com
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