Our Horses

Krooze is a very broad horse, without being particularly tall, and has very smooth, even movement. He has the most remarkably laid-back temperament (nothing really fazes him!), so he is perfect for intensive therapy rides.
Due to his shape and movement, he is ideal for riders who need to sit or lie in different positions, or who need an extremely stable base of support. He knows the ropes at Napier RDA, and while he does have a stubborn streak, he is just as much of a big teddy bear as he looks!
Krooze is kindly sponsored by Margo and Steve Haslett – New Zealand Frost Fans
Okare is a kind, sensitive horse, who tries hard to give effect to the instructions he’s given, making him suitable for riders who are learning to ride independently. He also has a lovely rolling movement (active, but not too big), and has come to be very patient with a variety of rider behaviours, making him well suited to therapy clients with particular needs. He’s also a big smooch – if you’re leading him during a ride or putting his cover on in the paddock, you’re guaranteed to be on the receiving end of a lovely nuzzle or two!
Okare is kindly sponsored by Andy and Jeanette Tyler.
King ADORES attention, and his eye-catching looks and movement ensure he receives it!
King understands his role at RDA well – he is generous and kind with his riders, patiently and calmly accepting all of the noise, movement and stimuli that come with being a therapy horse.
Dougie is the perfect mix of sensitive and sensible – aware of his rider and everything going on around him, but reliable and steady at the same time. He has a lovely fast walk, and beautifully active movement, making him ideal for riders that need greater physical challenge or sensory input.
He is soft, responsive and careful for riders just starting to gain their riding independence, and is also quite happy to step it up a notch for riders that are ready for the challenges of trotting, cantering or even jumping! He knows when he’s done a good job, and appreciates being appreciated!
Claude is of a strong build make him very versatile, as he can comfortably accommodate a range of children and adults with varying therapeutic needs.
Claude is quite mischievous and cheeky, and never misses an opportunity for play. You better keep an eye out otherwise you may be on the receiving end of a kiss!
Little Man
Little Man (whose name is now rather ironic, as he’s grown into a tall, sturdy lad!) is personality plus! He’s convinced the arena activities are actually there for him to play with, and likes to test the boundaries on a regular basis. He absolutely thrives on very loud and very effusive praise, and knows how to hang is head and look super sorry when he gets himself in trouble – ensuring he never stays in the bad books for long!
Breeze is the perfect pony for our young riders who are ready to start riding off the lead, or to start advancing their riding skills.
Breeze is also particularly responsive to her rider’s body language and emotions, which is invaluable for helping riders learn to manage their responses and attitudes. She is a busy, forward moving pony, who prefers to be active and involved, and who seeks affection and companionship from everyone!
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